Feature Stories (page 11)

August 14, 2017

Research and Internships: Etelle Stephan ’18: Focusing on Fundraising to Ensure Refugee Rights

As a philosophy, politics, and economics (PPE) major, Etelle Stephan ’18 sought a summer internship that would combine her academic interests. Her search led her to Asylum Access, a nonprofit organization based in Oakland, California, that works to advance refugee rights in their countries of asylum. Asylum Access’ goal is for refugees to live safely, work freely, and have access to education for their children in order to build a better life.

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August 10, 2017

Scripps College Academy Celebrates 15 Years, Thanks Donors

Scripps College Academy (SCA), a college access program for high school students who are the first in their families to attend college, celebrated its 15th year at Scripps College on June 17. This year’s 50 SCA scholars enjoyed the milestone anniversary event and learned about the experiences and perspectives of former program participants, staff, and faculty who came to campus to celebrate. During the dinner program on Elm Tree Lawn, many former students and mentors presented personal stories about how participating in SCA changed the paths and possibilities for their lives.

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August 9, 2017

Research and Internships: Casey Beamish Harris ’19: Fighting for Environmental Justice, One Press Release at a Time

Politics major Casey Beamish Harris ’19 found the summer internship she was looking for on a visit to Scripps’ Career Planning & Resources. On a map of students’ past positions posted in the office, she noticed the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), a nonprofit that seeks to protect the environment and promote human rights through legal channels.

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August 1, 2017

The Scripps Experience: Be Move-In Ready with These 10 “Not-So-Typical” Items

Move-In Day is just around the corner. Whether you’ll be returning to campus or arriving for the very first time, we wanted to suggest just a few offbeat items that might come in handy during the academic year to come. We can’t wait to see you at Scripps this fall!  

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July 19, 2017

Awards and Honors: Associate Professor of Chemistry Anna Wenzel: Two Grants for Molecular Chemistry Research Put Students to Work at W.M. Keck Science Department

Having gone weeks without receiving an email from Rick Danheiser, MIT chemistry professor and editor-in-chief of the academic journal Organic Syntheses, Scripps Associate Professor of Chemistry Anna Wenzel thought she hadn’t won the grant she had applied for in early 2016. It wasn’t until Danheiser wrote to Wenzel he hadn’t heard from her that she realized she had won.

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June 22, 2017

Spotlight on Alumnae: Kayla Lemus ’16 Serves as Immigrant Justice Corps Representative

Scripps College alumna Kayla Lemus ’16, is one of 10 elite college graduates chosen to serve as a fellow advocating for vulnerable immigrants in the country’s first such program wholly dedicated to meeting immigrants’ need for high-quality legal assistance. She will be located at Brooklyn Public Library as a representative of the Immigrant Justice Corps, which places the young professionals in top legal services agencies and community based organizations to help serve high-immigrant populations.

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June 16, 2017

The 5C Experience: The Awesome Ladies in Physics and Astronomy CLORG

With the number of Scripps students majoring in science topping 20 percent in recent years, it is unsurprising that College resources for science majors have increased, too—the living learning community for STEM and pre-health majors in Wilber Hall, for example, or the summer research internships offered thorough the W.M. Keck Science Department. Adding to the mix, the 5C student club Awesome Ladies in Physics and Astronomy (ALPHA).

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June 14, 2017

The Scripps Experience: The Annual Capstone Day Soccer Game

While Capstone Day celebrates academic achievement, it has a playful side, too, thanks to Professor of French Thierry Boucquey. While helping to pilot Capstone Day in 2008, Professor Boucquey proposed capping off the events with a friendly soccer game between Scripps faculty, staff, and seniors on Scripps’ Alumnae Field.

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June 1, 2017

Laspa Center for Leadership: Mikaela Gallardo and Elizabeth Galvan: Developing Resources for Elementary School Students in Nicaragua

In Bluefields, Nicaragua, a city along the Caribbean coast, rapid economic growth has improved the standard of living and increased the demand for education. Although the number of schools in Nicaragua is growing, public institutions are overcrowded and often inadequate, and many families cannot afford to send their children to private institutions. To help address the problem of children’s access to education, Mikaela Gallardo ’19 and Elizabeth Galvan ’19 used Laspa We Act Grants to work with Path of Knowledge, an organization that awards private-school tuition scholarships and provides educational support for Nicaraguan students and their families beyond the classroom.

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May 30, 2017

Class of 2017: Scripps College Graffiti Wall: Seniors Make Their Marks

Since 1931, Scripps’ graduating seniors have participated in what has become an essential rite of passage at the College: the signing of Graffiti Wall. Each year, seniors choose a mural design from student-submitted illustrations to paint on the wall, and then the entire graduating class adds its signatures. Graffiti Wall is a visual reminder of Scripps’ history and reflects the changing tastes and attitudes of students over the decades.

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