From the Heart

Initially exploring aspects of time, twelve students of the Letterpress & Book Arts studio course took inspiration from scrapbooks and the idea of epistolary writing. In the resulting artist’s book, From the Heart, they share their twelve love letters to people ranging from grown-up self, Lucille Ball and Greta Thunberg, places like Shanghai parks in addition to the game of soccer, friends, and relatives. Using a mixture of handset letterpress text in prose and verse, images created with linocuts, cut vinyl, and low-tech press prints, each printed section pulls out of a plain wrapper that shows the intended recipient and sender, or student-artist. The introduction and colophon also follow this format. Names and signatures of the artists are listed within the introduction wrapper that is printed with a heart-felt note to the reader. From the Heart is stab bound using silver binder screws and mixed decorative and handmade paper covers. While the contents are the same, the covers vary across the edition. 6 x 11.25 inches. 74 copies.
- Ella Denison Library, Scripps College
- Colby College
- Columbia University
- Occidental College
- Rhode Island School of Design
- University of California, Los Angeles
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- University of Nevada, Reno
- Yale University
- Private collections
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Previous: Toot Toot!: A Book About Fruit | Next: Fragments of Home |