Case Management
The Assistant Dean and Director of Case Management, with the support of the Student Services Manager, coordinates student services and provides support while connecting students to the appropriate resources at Scripps, The Claremont Colleges, and the regional community. In addition to supporting students, the case manager is also available to consult with faculty, staff, parents, and others if they are concerned about a student’s behavior or mental health. The case manager also works to reduce barriers and connect students to supportive resources related to: mental health, food insecurity, textbook scholarship awards, follow up services, MLOA return assessment and support, personal care, and student wellness check ins.
Student of Concern Committee
In the event of a student crisis or emergency, a holistic Student of Concern Committee comprised of staff, faculty, and Consortium partners convene to identify, assess, and respond to student behavior that is of concern. The goal of the Student of Concern Committee is to work collaboratively to support the wellbeing and safety of students, faculty, staff, and to promote a culture on campus that encourages support and advocacy.
The Student of Concern Committee works in collaboration with the Department of Case Management, College departments, Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services (MCAPS), and Student Health Services and will provide a referral if there is a need for further resources.
Student Support Referral Form
Community members are encouraged to use the Student Support Referral Form if they are concerned about a student. If there is serious concern for a student, community members are encouraged to contact the Administrator on Call via Campus Safety at (909) 607-2000.
Off-Campus Referral Program
The Off-Campus Referral Program connects students needing long-term support and mental health care to community practitioners. Working with the assistant dean and director of case management, students will be connected to practitioners covered by their insurance. The Off-Campus Referral Program also provides limited financial assistance for those who need support with co-pays or sliding cost therapy. FMI or to set up an appointment to discuss local mental health providers, please email Dean Jamila Zuwayed.
Leave of Absence
For unanticipated reasons, a student may take a leave from the College. Two types of leaves are available to students: personal leave and medical leave. A personal leave is a for a student that needs to take time away from the College for reasons unrelated to health. A medical leave of absence is for a student that needs to be away from the College for physical and mental health-related issues. Students returning from a medical leave must provide documentation from treating providers. For more information, please contact the Registrar’s Office or email [email protected].
Faculty/Staff Resources
Scripps provides a comprehensive set of resources for faculty and staff, providing information about student programs and support at Scripps. If a faculty or staff member is concerned about a student, they are encouraged to fill out the Student Support Referral form.