Right Under Our Noses
Walter Tisdale
February 19, 2011
Scripps College
This ambitious workshop will play with the materials typically found in a letterpress print shop: type, rule, ding-bats, ornaments, lock-up furniture, etc. We will create a folded broadside. We will use Webster’s Second Edition dictionary to find words and their definition. For instance, serendipity: an apparent aptitude for making fortunate discoveries accidentally.
You will learn a host of tricks to print a variety of objects. We will also play with some simple gate-folded structures and chapbook bindings that may inspire your final piece.
Please join Walter Tisdale for dinner at Scripps at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 19, 2011. Cost $25. Reservations required.
View the exhibit The Artist Book as an Agent of Social Change at the Clark Humanities Museum curated by Maryatt’s Core III students. Special reception to meet the students 5:00-6:00 Saturday, February 19, 2011.
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Kitty Maryatt
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Previous: Looking closely: using observation, poetry/prose, historical research to build an artwork | Next: The Plate and the Print |