Meg Foley ’04’s Blood Baby, an artistic project centered on gender and queer parenthood, will be part of the Kelly Strayhorn Theater’s fall 2023 season, Public Source reports. Foley, who majored in dance, says the idea for the project came from her regular discussions with other queer parents, which often focused on questions of identity expression: “What does it mean to parent queerly? If this approach feels bodily to me, if it feels like a cultural action or expression of myself, which means that it comes from my person, what is that? And how does that play out when actually a lot of parenting is really mundane?…and then how does your sexuality and sex practice inform your family building?”
Blood Baby‘s production is supported by a New England Foundation for the Arts National Dance Project Production Grant, a National Performance Network Creation Fund Award, Leeway Foundation, and an Indiana University Arts & Humanities grant.