Campus News (page 30)
Capstone Day 2017 Showcases Senior Achievements
Each May, as seniors edge closer to graduation, the Scripps community takes a day to celebrate their academic achievements. Capstone Day, a Scripps tradition since 2008, brings the 5C community together to learn about outstanding senior thesis projects. Nominated by faculty, senior presenters share original projects in a range of disciplines and media—the culmination of the thinking, writing, and research they’ve been working on towards their degree.
Read MoreSpring 2017 Community Update
Dear Members of the Scripps College Community, As we close this academic year, I would like to share key actions from the Board of Trustees’ meeting on May 13 and […]
Read MoreScripps Inaugurates Lara Tiedens as Ninth President
Scripps College began a new era on April 29, 2017, when Lara Tiedens was inaugurated as the College’s ninth president. Tiedens, who accepted the position in June 2016, beamed as […]
Read MorePresidential Post-Board Community Update April 2017
Dear Members of the Scripps College Community, The Board of Trustees concluded its March retreat and meeting on Sunday, March 5, and I would like to inform you about the following key actions and discussions. Budget […]
Read MoreUpdate on Diversity and Inclusion at Scripps
Dear Scripps College Students, Faculty, and Staff:As we enter the final phase of the spring semester, I would like to update you on the progress we’ve made on policies, programs, […]
Read MoreSupporting Our International Community
Dear Scripps College Students, Faculty, and Staff, Last week the new president issued a number of executive orders and presidential memos. The executive order pertaining to immigration and travel has […]
Read MoreCommunity Update from President Lara Tiedens
Dear Members of the Scripps Community, Reflecting on the past several months, it’s hard to believe that my first semester at Scripps is already drawing to a close. As I […]
Read MoreOffice of the President: Message in Response to Petition
Dear Scripps College Students, Faculty, and Staff, I recently received a petition signed by more than 750 Scripps College students, faculty, staff, alumnae, and friends and family members requesting the […]
Read MoreSupport and Protections for Undocumented and DACA Students
Dear Scripps College Students, Faculty, and Staff, Over the past couple of weeks, I have had thoughtful conversations with many members of this community about the ways in which we […]
Read MoreMessage from President Tiedens
Dear Scripps Students, Faculty, and Staff, The presidential campaign and the election results have created a great deal of uncertainty and apprehension over the past 18 months. The outcome of […]
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