Refer to the final examination schedule posted on the Registrar web page. The final examination schedule is standardized for the five undergraduate colleges, and can also be accessed on the Registrar home page. Please read carefully the following important regulations:
- Examination times for “arranged” classes, as well as for classes which meet at times different from the Standard Class Times must be scheduled by mutual agreement of the instructor and the students. Classroom space must also be specially arranged.
- Final examinations will be in the same rooms assigned for regular class work unless other arrangements are made with the Registrar’s Office. In the event that another room is used, the instructor will announce the change.
- To be counted as work completed in the course, all papers, reports, drawings and other assigned material must be submitted to instructors before the scheduled date of the final examination, unless an earlier deadline is given.
- In the spring semester, seniors completing requirements for graduation must take final examinations during the last week of regularly scheduled classes.
In addition, the following applies to Scripps:
- No changes in scheduled examinations may be made except by petition to the Committee on Academic Review.
- In order to protect students from the excessive academic pressure of being examined during the last week of classes, it is urged that all faculty give their examinations within the published final examination period. If, for emergency reasons, the final examination has to be given earlier, the examination must be confined to the hours during which the class is scheduled to meet.
- Because grades in the spring semester for graduating seniors must be reported to the Registrar on the final day of classes, seniors completing requirements for graduation may not take final examinations during the regular examination period.