Suchi Branfman – Dance

Professor Branfman contributed the following accomplishments:

June 4 – Premiere live performance – DATA or 7 ways to make a dance through prison walls
Grand Performances, Los Angeles, CA
– an evening of work celebrating the COLA (City of Los Angeles) Master Artist Fellows.

June 18 – Lecture and workshop, Jamming Through Prison Walls
Institute for Liberatory Practice, Los Angeles, CA

July 31 – In-person screening of Angee’s Journey, a documentary dance film
Real Art Ways, Hartford, CT

August 6 – In-person screening of the film: Undanced Dances Through Prison Walls During a Pandemic
Kopkind Film Colony, Guilford, VT

August 11- In-person screening of the film: Undanced Dances Through Prison Walls During a Pandemic
Latchis Theatre, Brattleboro, VT

Professor Branfman has been awarded the NDEO (National Dance Educators Organization) 2022 Outstanding Leadership Award in Higher Education.
