Study Abroad/Global-Local Cultural Exchange

In addition to the more than 110 approved programs in over 40 countries, Scripps students can petition for many other liberal arts appropriate Study Abroad programs during the academic year that fit the Scripps criteria for study abroad as set by the faculty. This provides more choice. Scripps does not have plans to build its own Study Abroad programs. The financial and human resources required to develop and oversee such programs is not feasible at this time and it limits choice by prioritizing our own programs.

Affinity Housing

There were a number of recommendations, and many of these are currently under consideration. VP for Student Affairs/Dean of Students Charlotte Johnson welcomes the working group to reach out to meet with Director of Campus Life Brenda Ice before the end of this academic year to learn more about housing options under discussion. Your recommendations have been provided to VP/Dean Johnson.

Advising Model

The Dean of Students Office and the Inclusive Student Success Theme Team of the Strategic Planning effort have identified an “advising 360” model as a priority. The model would develop a team approach to advising, including faculty, PCD, and senior student peer mentor. This is in process for a pilot-program implementation next year.

Resources for Faculty Seeking Support

VP for Student Affairs/Dean of Students Charlotte Johnson and VP for Academic Affairs/Dean of Faculty Amy Marcus-Newhall will work on having consolidated lists of funding opportunities for students and faculty on their respective websites for the fall 2018 semester. This official list will be more easily accessible for faculty and students seeking support for speakers, visitors, etc.

Coincidental Community Spaces

Vice President for Business Affairs/Treasurer Dean Calvo and his team are in the process of studying and evaluating outdoor furniture around campus. Part of this process includes the placement of refurbished furniture that will be completed by the fall 2018.

Two-Tier System of Identification

As noted, this is already in place. Additional uses of the system will be part of the discussion of the new Student Identification System (SIS).

International Scholars in Residence Program

Funding priorities are set by the administration with approval by the Board. The recommendation of fundraising for an international scholars-in-residence program has been shared with the senior team. As you are aware, the College is completing the More Campaign priorities and a new strategic plan is underway. New funding priorities will be considered as part of the next fundraising plan.

Again, thank you and have a wonderful end of the semester.

Best, Denise
